Hash Browns with a Little Heat

19 Feb

I like traditions. They are a source of comfort and often something to look forward too. We have a tradition that every Sunday morning (well just about every) we make a great big breakfast and then sit around in a food coma for a couple hours. Yes, this is an incredibly unhealthy breakfast but it is kind of the perfect thing to wake up to after a long week. A staple of Sunday Breakfast is my homemade hash browns. Normally when I make these hash browns I just throw in a bunch of spices according to how I feel that particular morning. Granted, it is the same set of spices over and over with different amounts each time. However, when I was invited to a Breakfast-for-Dinner Party (see this post) I decided to bring hash browns and took the opportunity to actually come up with measurements for my spices. There are no real changes to analyze in this recipe since it is my own, but I would love to hear suggestions. These hash browns do have a bit of a kick to them, provided by the cayenne pepper. Feel free to adjust the amount up or down according to your spiciness preference.

The double batch of hash browns made for the "Breakfast-for-Dinner" Party

Hash Browns
A Cara Original

1.25 lbs shredded potato
1 medium onion sliced into about 1 inch long slices
3 teaspoons olive oil
Salt – liberal amount though individual taste will dictate
Pepper – to taste
1 heaping tablespoon crushed garlic
2 teaspoons Chili powder
2 teaspoons Paprika
2 teaspoons Cumin
2 teaspoons dried Oregano
1-2 light shakes of Cayenne pepper – go with less if you do not like spice
1 tablespoon butter
½ bunch of fresh cilantro chopped, stems and all
2 tablespoons fresh chive – chopped


1. Heat olive oil in a large heavy 12 inch skillet over medium heat until the oil shimmers.

2. Add onion. Salt and pepper the onions and allow the onions to soften and become translucent (3-5 minutes).

3. Add potatoes and stir to mix in with onion.

4. Add the garlic, stir and cook for about a minute.

5. Add chili powder, paprika, cumin, oregano and cayenne pepper. Stir to evenly distribute the spices.

6. Cook for another 5-7 minutes.

7. If the potatoes look a little dry, add 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter.

8. Continue to cook the hash browns until you get a nice brown, slightly crispy layer on the bottom. Flip potatoes over to brown the other side.

9. Turn off heat, add in cilantro and stir.

10. Serve with fresh chive sprinkled on top.

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Posted by on February 19, 2012 in Breakfast, Potatoes


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